Dr. Keith Dung

Aloha, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Keith Dung, I am a local boy, born and raised right here in Honolulu. I went to Maryknoll School from kindergarten through the 9th grade and then I transfer to St. Louis High School, for the last three of my high school years.
When I graduated from high school I decided to stay home and attend the University of Hawaii at Manoa. At the University of Hawaii, I was working towards a Bachelor of Science in Biology. After a lot of thought, I decided on a career in dentistry. It was the perfect combination: Science, Art, “Restorative Art/Construction” (hands on).
At the end of my four years at the University of Hawaii at Manoa I was accepted to the University of Washington, School of Dentistry, in Seattle, Washington. I graduated in the Spring of 1991. I loved my time in Seattle and decided to make it my home. I lived there for 22 years.
My first practice opportunity was at the Seattle Indian Health Board in the International District of Seattle. About 3 ½ years later, I fulfilled my dream of owning a dental practice when I bought an office in North Seattle. It was a lot of work.
In 2007 I sold my private office and went to work at the Seattle King County Dental Clinic. I had been working here since 2000 as an on-call or as needed dentist. In 2007 they were looking for a full-time dentist and they offered me the job.
I met my wife in Seattle. She is from Woodinville, WA, on the east side of Lake Washington. We have 5 children and a grandson. Our children were young, and they started getting involved in sports and other extracurricular activities. As they got busier it became harder and harder to move them around to each of their activities. In 2009, my parents offered to help us with childcare and transportation for the kids, so